Tuesday, September 4, 2012


KINERJA Project, a local governance program funded by USAID focusing on providing service delivery in the areas education, health and economic services is currently looking for Health Specialist according to the scope of work below. Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications to apujiastuti@kinerja.or.id not later than 9 September 2012 indicating the reference subject. All candidates are requested to specify their availability date in the application letter. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Duration of Project: Anticipated dates—September 2012 to February 28, 2015 Position: Health Specialist Duty Station : Papua 50% and Makassar 50% (Positioned in Makassar) Purpose of the Assignment The Health Specialist will serve as the main Indonesian resource to ensure effective implementation of health service improvement approaches of the Kinerja project in South Sulawesi through Intermediary Organizations (IOs) and Papua through UGM. Duties and Responsibilities A. South Sulawesi In the time span of the assignment of Kinerja intermediary organizations, the health specialist together with the IO will assist the District Health Office (DHO) and Health Center (HC) to strengthen health management through participatory and transparent planning and budgeting, development of Standard Operational Procedures of MCH, as well as citizen charter in accordance with Perbup/Perwako, as well as actively advocate to District Health Offices and Mayor/Regents in order to implement of quality MNCH services in health centers. In addition to providing strong supply side support the Health Specialist (HS) will also advise the IO on how to incorporate the results of the puskesmas complaint survey into planning, budgeting, and implementation by the puskesmas. The HS will also facilitate discussions between the IO and puskesmas regarding program implementation. B. Papua Health specialist together with PMPK UGM will assist the DHO and HC to strengthening health system through improving Health Management and Leadership. HS provide input or advice to UGM for implementation (plan of action or Rencana Tindak Lanjut ) post training incorporate Kinerja Papua Work Plan and Six Block Health System building of WHO. Under supervision of the Papua Provincial Coordinator (PC) and the Kinerja Senior Health Specialist (SHS), the HS will observe, monitor,and evaluate of UGM in the implementation of Kinerja health packages regarding Kinerja Papua Work Plan and Performance Monitoring Plan. Qualifications required · A bachelor's degree in a relevant field. · A minimum of 10 years' experience working with local governments related to health services and performance management. · In-depth knowledge and understanding of the institutional/organizational and technical resources of health management and health services in provincial and district level and health center. · Experience working with MSF and advising CSOs on how to interact effectively with government officials in the health sector · High degree of adaptability to varied working environments and good interpersonal and team working skills. · Basic knowledge of management processes and systems especially health minimum service standard including performance evaluation. · Experiences in working with Local Governments, Universities and Civil Society Organizations. · Ability to speak, read and write in English. For more detail info about us, please visit www.kinerja.or.id


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