Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lowongan Kerja PT Dirgantara Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja PT Dirgantara Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja PT Dirgantara Indonesia - PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) adalah salah satu perusahaan penerbangan di Asia yang berpengalaman dan berkompetensi dalam rancang bangun, pengembangan dan manufacturing pesawat terbang. PT Dirgantara Indonesia awalnya bernama PT IPTN telah mengembangkan produk bukan hanya pesawat terbang, tetapi termasuk: Telecommunication, Automotive, Maritime, Information Technology, Oil dan Gas. PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) berusaha dan mampu bertahan dalam persaingan yang terjadi dalam dunia bisnis internasional, salah satunya adalah program program restrukturisasi meliputi penataan ulang SDM dan orientasi bisnis dengan memfokuskan bisnisnya. Dalam upaya meningkatkan kinerja PT Dirgantara Indonesia juga mendapat bantuan dari berbagai pihak, seperi; perbankan Bank BNI atau Bank BRI.

PT Dirgantara Indonesia 2012 ini memperoleh kontrak pembuatan pesawat dan komponen senilai lebih Rp7 triliun yang harus selesai 3 tahun dengan bantuan dana pemerintah Rp1 triliun dari Bank BRI. PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) membuka Lowongan Kerja BUMN dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 PT Dirgantara Indonesia

Quality Product Engineering
  1. Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, IPK  2,75, Usia maksimal 27 tahun
  2. Pendidikan S1 Jurusan teknik (Mesin/ Fisika/Penerbangan/Kimia/Industri/Aeronautika)
  3. Mampu menggunakan alat ukur yang umum dipakai di assembly.
  4. Mampu mengkalibrasi alat ukur standard ( tidak khusus ).
  5. Mampu menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi data teknis.
  6. Mampu memproses data hasil inspeksi/test dan menganalisa trend kualitas.
Quality Systems Engineering
  1. Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, IPK 2,75, Usia maksimal 27 tahun
  2. S1 Teknik (Mesin, Penerbangan,Aeronautika,Kimia, Industri, Fisika)
  3. Mampu mengukur komponen sederhana yang tidak memerlukan alat ukur khusus, alat ukur khusus misal. Coordinate Measuring Machine.
  4. Mampu mengkalibrasi alat ukur standard sederhana (tidak khusus)
  5. Mampu menggunakan software PC untuk penulisan laporan, presentasi, kalkulasi sederhana dan pemetaan proses bisnis
  6. Mampu menulis laporan dan menulis bahan presentasi
  7. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Indonesia aktif dan bahasa Inggris aktif.
Production Assembly and Integration
  1. Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, IPK 2,75, Usia maksimal 27 tahun
  2. S1 Teknik (Mesin, Elektro, Industri, Penerbangan)
  3. Mampu membaca dan menginterpretasikan Engineering Documents
  4. Mengetahui konsep dasar pengendalian kualitas (quality control system)
  5. Mampu menyusun dokumen, manual sesuai prosedur standard
  6. Mampu mendeskripsikan permasalahan dan menyusun dalam bentuk laporan teknik
Jika anda tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja 2012 PT Dirgantara Indonesia, segera kirimkan lamaran, cv dan persyaratan lain tertera diatas ke alamat di bawah ini:

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero)
Jln Pajajaran no. 154
Bandung Bandung 40174
Atau via email:
Info detail Lihat disini

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Lowongan Kerja Bank Permata Tbk

Lowongan Kerja Bank Permata Tbk
Lowongan Kerja Bank Permata Tbk - PT Bank Permata Tbk merupakan Bank swasta nasional Indonesia yang sahamnya dipegang oleh konsorsium Standard Chartered Bank dan PT Astra Internasional Tbk. Pada awalnya Bank Permata dibentuk sebagai hasil merger dari 5 bank di bawah pengawasan BPPN PT Bank Bali Tbk, PT Bank Universal Tbk, PT Bank Prima Express, PT Bank Artamedia, dan PT Bank Patriot. Permata Bank telah berkembang menjadi sebuah bank swasta utama yang menawarkan produk dan jasa inovatif serta komprehensif terutama disisi delivery channel-nya termasuk Internet Banking dan Mobile Banking. Bank Permata melayani sekitar 2 juta nasabah di 57 kota di Indonesia, Permata Bank memiliki 281 cabang (termaksuk 10 cabang Syariah) dan 631 ATM dengan akses tambahan di lebih dari 40.000 ATM (VisaPlus, Visa Electron, MC, Alto, ATM Bersama dan ATM Prima).

Bank Permata Tbk bekerjasama dengan Hero Group yang bernama PermataHero Card, dengan menggunakan katu kredi ini belanja akan mendapatkan diskon langsung maksimal lima persen untuk seluruh produk private label Hero, Giant dan Guardian. PT Permata Bank Tbk Oktober 2012 kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja Bank dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 PT Bank Permata Tbk

Management Trainee Wholesale Banking
  1. Pendidikan minimal D3 semua jurusan
  2. IPK minimal 3,25
  3. Fresh graduate
  4. Siap bekerja di bawah tekanan
  5. Mampu mengopersikan komputer
  6. Penempatan: Kudus, Semarang, Tegal, Surabaya, Pontianak, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Bandar Lampung, Pekanbaru, Makassar dan Palembang
Anda tertarik dengan kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja 2012 Bank Permata Tbk, segera kirimkan lamaran, cv dan foto terbaru anda ke alamat di bawah ini:

PT Bank Permata Tbk
Permata Bank Tower I Lt. 16
Jln Jendral Sudirman Kav 27
Jakarta Selatan
Atau kirim ke alamat kantor cabang Bank Permata terdekat dari tempat tinggal anda
Info detail Lihat disini

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Lowongan Kerja Mandiri Tunas Finance

Lowongan Kerja Mandiri Tunas Finance
Lowongan Kerja Mandiri Tunas Finance - PT Mandiri Tunas Finance adalah sebuah perusahaan otomotif dengan paket pembiayaan yang mudah, inovatif dan kompetitif bagi konsumen di seluruh Indonesia. PT Mandiri Tunas Finance merupakan anak dari PT Bank Mandiri yang sampai saat ini telah memiliki jaringan 66 kantor cabang di 20 kota di Indonesia. Saham PT Mandiri Tunas Finance dimiliki oleh Bank Mandiri sebesar 51%, sisanya dimiliki oleh PT Tunas Ridean sebesar 49%. PT Mandiri Tunas Finance menyediakan solusi otomotif yang melayani kebutuhan otomotif konsumen Indonesia, termasuk pemegang merek otomotif Toyota, Daihatsu, BMW, Peugeot dan sepeda motor Honda, layanan purna jual, mobil bekas, pembiayaan konsumen dan sarana penyewaan otomotif.

Mandiri Tunas Finance dan Bank Mandiri bersama-sama mengembangkan bisnis dengan pola �joint financing� di mana terms and conditions akan diputuskan dan disetujui dalam perjanjian terpisah. PT Mandiri Tunas Finance adalah salah satu dari top 10 multifinance dengan asset diatas Rp 1 Trillun yang mendapat predikat Sangat Bagus. Mandiri Tunas Finance kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja Oktober 2012 dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 Mandiri Tunas Finance

Sales Offocer
  1. Pendidikan SMA, SMK, D3 semua jurusan
  2. Pengalaman di bidang survey dan marketing di perusahaan pembiayaan otomotif min. 1 thn
  3. Memiliki relasi yang luas dan kuat dengan dealer dan showroom otomotif
  4. Sanggup bekerja keras dan berorientasi pada target
Accounting Staff
  1. Pendidikan D3 Jurusan Akuntansi
  2. Pria atau wanita usia maksimal 30 tahun
  3. Punya pengalaman dibidang yang sama akan menjadi nilai tambah
Jika anda tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja 2012 Mandiri Tunas Finance diatas, segera kirimkan lamaran, cv dan foto terbaru anda ke alamat di bawah ini:

PT Mandiri Tunas Finance
Gedung Graha Mandiri Lt. 3A
Jln Imam Bonjol No. 61
Jakrta Pusat 10310

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Saturday, September 29, 2012


LILIANE FOUNDATION in affiliation with Yayasan Bakti Luhur  that operates from Bali and  having concern on children with different ability (diffabled) is seeking for experienced and highly motivated individuals to fill positions of:
 Country Responsible 
The Country Responsible of the Liliane Foundation is responsible for developing and implementing the programmes of the Liliane Foundation in his/her country. The Country Responsible manages the staff of the national coordination team in a motivating and inspiring way. His/her activities are guided by the mission and
vision of the Liliane Foundation and the approved country programme. 

The main
tasks of the Country Responsible will be:
* Draws up the country programme and annual plan within the framework of the Liliane Foundation,on the basis of the contextual analysis
* Maintains contacts with relevant actors (government, NGOs, medical/social and educational institutions) to protect and represent the interests of children with disabilities. Ensures strengthening and, if necessary, expands the network
* Ensures a proper execution of the activities of the National Coordination Team by instructing and guiding the members in their duties
* Responsible for adequate staffing of the team
* Draws up a context analysis for the country, the country policy and annual plans
* Engaged in strengthening the quality of the partner organizations and mediators 
* Responsible for entering into partnership agreements with local partner organizations
* Monitors the quality of the assistance programme in the country 
* Presents cases of violations of the rights of the child with a disability to relevant actors in the network
* Reports periodically on the progress of work to the regional representative at the head office of LF
* Responsible for an annual independent financial audit
* Provides relevant information for the annual report and financial statements of Stichting Liliane Fonds
* Contributes to any evaluation and impact studies
* Submits solicited or unsolicited proposals for improving the programme or the process with the head office of LF
* Responsible for organizing visits by representatives / employees of the Liliane Foundation in the Netherlands (makes, among others, suggestions for the programme, informs partner organizations and mediators, arranges accommodation)
* Exchanges experiences and knowledge with National Coordinating Teams in other countries.
* Contributes to the programme and policy development of SLF worldwide
Qualification needed
for this position:
·Has an academic international working and thinking level or gained an equivalent level by relevant education anddemonstrable experience 
·Has professional knowledge and experience in the field of inclusion in the South
·Has management knowledge and skills and demonstrable leadership experience
·Works in a results-oriented manner and has situational leadership qualities
·Flexible, communicative, sound and has social skills
·Is a team player, but also knows to show leadership in a professional and inspiring manner
·Has excellent knowledge of the socio-cultural context of the country
·Has experience with programmatic work and thorough knowledge of/experience with project cycle Management
·Stimulates the development of the network of partner organizations.
·Has experience in the rehabilitation sector and/ or (para) medical and/ or social projects.
·Has experience with budget responsibility
·Has demonstrable experience in planning, monitoring, analysis and results-oriented methods of
Working ·Has a thorough knowledge of the network in the country and experience in working with people in local communities
·Has a thorough knowledge of the socio-cultural context of the country
·Fluent in English, in speaking and writing
Please send your applicationletterand CV in English by email to HR Department at the email address  and cc to  no later than3 October 2012.
Only short listed candidates will be interviewed. Diffabled people are encouraged to apply.The selected candidates will have internship in Malang for 1 month beforehand.

The Multi Donor Facility Trade & Investment Climate

The Multi Donor Facility Trade & Investment Climate (MDFTIC) is a donor funded program administrated by the World Bank  and implemented by the Government of Indonesia (GOI) and the World Bank.  It is supporting the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs for capacity building  and technical assistance to improve the investment climate in Indonesia.

Under the grant of Multi Donor Facility for Trade and Investment Climate TF094088 .  The Project Implementation Unit Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of Republic Indonesia (PIU-CMEA) are now invites eligible individual consultant to apply for  :

- Procurement Specialist
- Administration Specialist
- Trade Regulatory Expert

Details information of how to apply, TOR and file submission are available on the attachment above.

You shall find the similar information on 

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Burung Indonesia

Burung Indonesia was established on 15 July 2002, as an independent Indonesian non-government organization, after working for 10 years as the program office of BirdLife International in Indonesia. Burung Indonesia
provides opportunities for the public to take practical action to conserve birds and their habitats in Indonesia.

Burung Indonesia is recruiting a young and dynamic person for Knowledge Development Officer position with the following qualifications:

. Working knowledge on conservation and sustainable development issues;

. Demonstrated experience in conducting analytical research;

. Strong writing skills (please provide samples of scientific/technical and popular writings);

. Computer and internet savvy;

. Experience with databases;

. Fluency in oral and written English;

. Strong editing skills;

. Strong interpersonal skills;

. Willingness to travel to remote areas;

. Experience in facilitation is beneficial.


. Prepare strategic materials needed for conservation action and knowledge development;

. Implement individual research and analysis as well in a team for the topics of conservation, forestry, climate change and sustainable development to develop strategic materials;

. Together with the Knowledge Center team to stimulate and monitor knowledge management system;

. Working with the Communication team and other relevant staff to ensure accurate information in publications and other materials; 

. Travel to working sites to support documentation, development and dissemination of lessons learned and best practices. 

Education and Experience

. A university degree in environment or related subjects and a minimum of 3 years of work experience.

Please submit application and CV to: at the latest by 3 October 2012.

Postal application addressed to: PO Box.310/BOO, Bogor 16003, INDONESIA.

Only qualified applicants will be contacted.


Burung Indonesia

Jl. Dadali No. 32, 

BOGOR 16161

Telp. +62 251 8357 222

Fax. +62 251 8357 961



Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.

Social & Scientific Systems, Inc. is looking for Research Assistants for our sites in Jakarta, Bandung Surabaya, Semarang, Yogjakarta, Denpasar, and Makassar,  with the following requirements and job description :
Job Description
* Coordinates all aspects of the study and study staff, as directed and delegated by site PI
* Screens subjects / determines subject eligibility
* Recruits subjects, inclusive of regularly visiting relevant wards 
* Obtains informed consent
* Obtains medical histories
* Clinical assessments
* Maintains subject files / source documentation
* Completes / ensures accurate completion of all study logs
* Completes / ensures accurate completion of CRFs 
* Manages filing and transmission of CRFs
* Schedules subject appointments 
* Coordinates subject follow-up 
* Resolves data queries
* Develops and maintains site SOPs and other site and quality management documents
* Coordinates quality management activities
* Completes sponsor questionnaires and study preparation materials
* Manages IRB review process
* Manages regulatory files
* Serves as main contact during protocol core team, monitoring and related site visits
* Develops recruitment strategies
* Develops strategies/procedures to track subjects and ensure return for follow-up visits
* Maintains communication and collaboration with relevant hospital clinicians / departments
* Develops study tools, checklists, and logs as needed
* Coordinates financial reporting, invoicing
* Coordinates study supply procurement
* Manages administrative aspects of studies
* Attends INA-RESPOND trainings, meetings, and conference calls
* Serves as main contact with Protocol Core Team and monitoring, working closely to exchange information, coordinate site preparation activities, and support tracking of study progress
Required Skills
* Medical doctor 
* Familiarity with applicable international, US, and Indonesian regulations and guidelines pertaining to clinical research, including ICH- E6 Good Clinical Practice Guidelines 
* Prior clinical research experience as a study coordinator, investigator, research nurse, clinical research associate/monitor or similar is strongly preferred.
* Ability to coordinate complex systems for research quality control.
* Excellent organizational and time management skills.
* Ability to keep detailed and accurate records.
* Very strong interpersonal skills, flexibility.
* Strong written and verbal communication skills. 
* Written and verbal fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
Previous experience working with United States government funded clinical research projects strongly preferred
To apply, please email your Resume/CV to Meity Siahaan, Finance and Admin Manager at 
Please write down the position that you'd like to apply in the subject line of your email.
Interested parties should respond immediately. 
Application closing date: September 30, 2012. 
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 
No phone and e-mail inquiries, please.

More information about Social & Scientific Systems, Inc can be found on our website

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Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.

Social & Scientific Systems, Inc. is looking for Research Assistants for our sites in Jakarta, Bandung Surabaya, Semarang, Yogjakarta, Denpasar, and Makassar,  with the following requirements and job description :
Job Description
* Coordinates all aspects of the study and study staff, as directed and delegated by site PI
* Screens subjects / determines subject eligibility
* Recruits subjects, inclusive of regularly visiting relevant wards 
* Obtains informed consent
* Obtains medical histories
* Clinical assessments
* Maintains subject files / source documentation
* Completes / ensures accurate completion of all study logs
* Completes / ensures accurate completion of CRFs 
* Manages filing and transmission of CRFs
* Schedules subject appointments 
* Coordinates subject follow-up 
* Resolves data queries
* Develops and maintains site SOPs and other site and quality management documents
* Coordinates quality management activities
* Completes sponsor questionnaires and study preparation materials
* Manages IRB review process
* Manages regulatory files
* Serves as main contact during protocol core team, monitoring and related site visits
* Develops recruitment strategies
* Develops strategies/procedures to track subjects and ensure return for follow-up visits
* Maintains communication and collaboration with relevant hospital clinicians / departments
* Develops study tools, checklists, and logs as needed
* Coordinates financial reporting, invoicing
* Coordinates study supply procurement
* Manages administrative aspects of studies
* Attends INA-RESPOND trainings, meetings, and conference calls
* Serves as main contact with Protocol Core Team and monitoring, working closely to exchange information, coordinate site preparation activities, and support tracking of study progress
Required Skills
* Medical doctor 
* Familiarity with applicable international, US, and Indonesian regulations and guidelines pertaining to clinical research, including ICH- E6 Good Clinical Practice Guidelines 
* Prior clinical research experience as a study coordinator, investigator, research nurse, clinical research associate/monitor or similar is strongly preferred.
* Ability to coordinate complex systems for research quality control.
* Excellent organizational and time management skills.
* Ability to keep detailed and accurate records.
* Very strong interpersonal skills, flexibility.
* Strong written and verbal communication skills. 
* Written and verbal fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
Previous experience working with United States government funded clinical research projects strongly preferred
To apply, please email your Resume/CV to Meity Siahaan, Finance and Admin Manager at 
Please write down the position that you'd like to apply in the subject line of your email.
Interested parties should respond immediately. 
Application closing date: September 30, 2012. 
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 
No phone and e-mail inquiries, please.

More information about Social & Scientific Systems, Inc can be found on our website

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The Indonesia Urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH) project


The Indonesia Urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH) project is a sixty-month program funded by the USAID. IUWASH works with government, the private sector, communities to improve access to water and sanitation in urban areas, and now we seek a BCC Advisor-Comp. I TEAM LEADER. The Advisor will provide  overall technical and strategic guidance in the implementation of project demand mobilization activities which include:

-      Behavior change communications (BCC) activities;

-      Programs to improve community participation in system planning and operations;

-      Media relations activities to support program advocacy;

-      Training of journalists, service providers, local governments and civil society organizations (CSOs);

The full position description is available at

Minimum Qualifications: 
Master’s Degree in Communication/Environmental Engineering/Public Health/Behavioral Research with 10 years of relevant experience, 
strong behavior change communication
experience, especially related to current Indonesian hygiene and sanitation context. 
Proven experience in undertaking activities aimed at empowering poor urban communities and individuals including organizing civil society groups or community based organizations for improved access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene.

Interested applicants are invited to send a complete application with 3 references to by September 30, 2012 at 05.00 PM Jakarta Local time. Please write *“ BCC Advisor”* in the subject line of the email. We are regret that shall be unable to acknowledge receipt of your application and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.


CWS Indonesia

CWS Indonesia ( is an international relief, development, and refugee assistance agency that has been operating in Indonesia for many years under an agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs. CWS Indonesia is the field office of CWS, Inc., headquartered in New York. CWS assists the most vulnerable, regardless of their religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. CWS is implementing an emergency response program in Central Sulawesi in response to the recent earthquake.

CWS is now looking to fill the
following position:

A.       Field Officer (based in Kec. Lindu, Kab. Sigi)
B.       Logistic Officer (based in Palu)
·         D3 / S1 University Graduate – preferably in Civil Engineering / Social / Economics or Accounting. 
·         Good communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia and ability in English is preferable. 
·         Good computer skills, including internet communication and various office applications (Microsoft Words, Excel and Power Point).
·      Ability to interact and communicate effectively with wide range of stakeholder (NGO networks, government institutions and local communities)
·         Able to work in a team and work harmoniously in a multicultural environment.
·         Having a minimum 2 years working experiences in NGO / INGO (A).
·         Willing to stay in the project location (A).
·         Having Experience in Community Organizing (A).
*      Proven experience in Logistic working area (procurement, warehousing and distribution) (B)
*      Extensive experience in documentation, reporting or accounting (B).
*      Ability to handle multiple responsibilities, meet deadlines and prioritize workload.
Applications should include a cover letter, reflecting motivation; a CV, including two references; expected gross salary and contact number, the latest on 30th September 2012.
Please send applications in MS Word format (maximum 200KB) to

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