Friday, August 31, 2012

Lowongan Kerja Astra Daihatsu

Lowongan Kerja Astra Daihatsu
Lowongan Kerja Astra Daihatsu - PT Astra Daihatsu Motor merupakan perusahaan yang mengimpor, merakit dan membuat kendaraan bermerk Daihatsu di Indonesia. Astra Daihatsu Motor berdiri pada tahun 1973 dengan melakukan joint venture antara Daihatsu Motor Company dengan Astra International yang ada sejak tahun 1978. Daihatsu Motor Co.,Ltd merupakan sebuah perusahaan otomotif yang berasal Jepang yang awalnya bernama Hatsudoki Seizo. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan pemasaran produk, Daihatsu Motor melakukan kerjasama dengan perusahaan otomotif terbesar di Jepang yaitu Toyota Motor (Astra International). PT Astra Daihatsu Motor didirikan melalui penggabungan 3 perusahaan yaitu PT Daihatsu Indonesia, PT Daihatsu Engine Manufacturing Indonesia dan PT National Astra Motor. PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) menduduki peringkat ketiga dari aset, yaitu Rp3,17 triliun dengan total kapasitas terpasang 250.000 unit per tahun dalam 2 shift yang didukung oleh 7.790 karyawan.

Astra Daihatsu Motor berkomitmen meningkatkan kapasitas produksinya menjadi 430.000 unit per tahun pada akhir tahun ini dengan investasi sekitar Rp2,23 triliun untuk merespons permintaan mobil 1.300 �1.500 cc yang terus meningkat. Astra Daihatsu Motor tidak hanya bergerak pada masalah komersial, namun juga peduli terhadap lingkungan, kesejahteraan masyarakat, kesehatan dan beasiswa terhadap siswa berprestasi. PT Astra Daihatsu kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja September 2012 dengan Kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 Astra Daihatsu Motor

Legal Analyst
  1. Laki-laki
  2. Maksimal usia 28 tahun
  3. Pendidikan S1/S2 jurusan Hukum
  4. IPK min 3,00
  5. Minimum 2 tahun pengalaman di bidang yang sama,
  6. Memiliki keterampilan interpersonal yang kuat dan berpikir analitis
  7. Dapat bekerja secara tim
Administration Officer
  1. Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
  2. Pendidikan Minimal D3, diutamakan dari jurusan IT
  3. IPK minimal 2,75
  4. Berpengalaman di bidang Adminisrasi
  5. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal skill yang baik, teliti, ramah, percaya diri
  6. Memiliki pola kerja yang sistematis dan detail
Anda tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja 2012 Astra Daihatsu Motor, segera saja kirimkan surat lamaran, cv dan foto terbaru melalui alamat di bawah ini:

PT Astra Daihatsu Motor
Daihatsu Sales Operation
Jl Yos Sudarso Kav 24 Sunter Jakarta Utara 14330
Atau via email:
Info selanjutnya Lihat disini

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Lowongan Kerja Bank BRI Syariah

Lowongan Kerja Bank BRI Syariah
Lowongan Kerja Bank BRI Syariah - Bank BRI Syariah adalah perusahaan perbankan ritel modern terkemuka dengan layanan finansial sesuai kebutuhan nasabah dengan jangkauan termudah. Bank BRI Syariah merupakan BUMN hasil akuisisi dari PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk  tanggal 17 November 2008 dari konsep konvensional menjadi lembaga perbankan yang berlatar belakang syariat Islam. BRI Syariah merupakan bank syariah ketiga terbesar berdasarkan aset dengan berbagai ragam produk dan layanan perbankan. PT Bank BRI Syariah sahamnya dikuasai oleh Bank BRI dan Yayasan Kesejahteraan Pekerja (YKP) BRI sejumlah RP 979.000.000.000. Bank BRI Syariah merupakan suatu sistem perbankan yang dikembangkan berdasarkan syariah (hukum) islam. Pada Bank BRI syariah semua transaksi harus berdasarkan akad yang dibenarkan oleh syariah dengan mengikuti kaidah dan aturan yang berlaku pada akad-akad muamalah syariah.

Bank BRI Syariah berkonsentrasi pada segmen ritel menengah bawah dalam memberikan servis keuangan dan layanan perbankan. Bank BRI Syariah menjalankan strategi promosi yang holistik yaitu tidak mengandalkan nasabah datang ke kantor kami, tapi kami juga melakukan upaya jemput bola dengan mengadakan event-event direct sale. PT Bank BRI Syariah saat ini membuka Lowongan Kerja Bank dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 PT Bank BRI Syariah

IT Officer Program
  1. Pria / Wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahun
  2. Pendidikan S1
  3. IPK Minimal 2,7 dari skala 4,00
  4. Memiliki kemampuan programming HTML PHP, CSS, Javascript, Javaplatform, J2EE
  5. Menguasai SQL programming di MS SQL dan Oracle DBA dan lebih disukai menguasai eclipe, JBOSS, Ajax
  6. Penempatan BRI Syariah wilayah Jakarta
Tax Manager (Kode TM)
  1. Mampu melakukan pengkajian atas perhitungan dan pengisian SPT per bulan, triwulan, semester dan tahun.
  2. Dapat melakukan perhitungan angsuran serta menyetor dan melaporkan SPT, juga melakukan hitungan laba / rugi secara komersil dan fiskal
  3. Dapat memastikan perhitungan, pembayaran, dan pelaporan PPh pasal 21, dan pasal 4 ayat 2 serta PPh pasal 23 sesuai ketentuan
  4. Pendidikan minimal S1, lebih disukai dari Akuntansi, Ekonomi, Sistem Informasi, Ilmu Komputer, Manajemen
  5. Memiliki pengalaman dibidangPerpajakan di Perbankanminimal 3 tahun
  6. Memiliki pengetahuan Perbankan Syariah
  7. Usia maksimal 35 tahun pada 30 September 2012
Jika anda memenuhi kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja 2012 PT Bank BRI Syariah ini, segera kirimkan Surat lamaran kerja, CV dan pasfoto terbaru ke alamat:

PT Bank BRI Syariah
Menara Jamsostek Gd. Utara Lt.19
Jln Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 38
Jakarta Selatan 12710
Info tambahan silahkan Lihat disini

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

World Vision Indonesia

World Vision is one of the world’s largest international Christian humanitarian aid organizations. World Vision Indonesia partners with local humanitarian foundation Wahana Visi Indonesia to implement its programs in more than 40 Program Offices across 9 provinces. World Vision has been working in Indonesia for more than 50 years and focusing programming effort on health, education and economic development across transformational development,humanitarian emergency affairs and advocacy ministries. We are also part of an active NGO consortium in the areas of advocacy, child protection,health, community empowerment and disaster management. World Vision Indonesia is currently seeking the following position : Citizen Voice in Action Coordinator (Code: CVA) Location : Kefamanu, NTT Major Roles: To support World Vision Indonesia's (WVIDN) strategic mandates to " be an authoritative voice at all levels driving change" by coordinating WV IDN advocacy works at local levels in alignment with the regional and national office strategies and policies on advocacy and campaign strategy. Qualifications: -Bachelor’s degree in Public Health, Law, Public Administration, Political Science 2 years - experiences in advocacy works for provincial position. - have experience in working local government, parliament and other stakeholders at local level. - Good understanding on Humanitarian Industry - Good undertstanding on the government's planning and budgeting mechanism - Good in communication, teamwork and cooperation Submit your application with updated CV not later than September 11 , 2012 to : Human Resource Department World Vision Indonesia As a child focused organization, WV is committed to the protection of children & doesn’t employ staff whose background is not suitable for working with children. All employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of all applicable background checks. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


IFES is an international, nonprofit organization that supports the building of democratic societies. IFES promotes democratic stability by providing technical assistance and applying field-based research to the electoral cycle in countries around the world to enhance citizen participation and strengthen civil societies, governance and transparency. Founded in 1987 as a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, IFES has developed and implemented comprehensive, collaborative democracy solutions in more than 120 countries. Terms of Reference Quality Assurance Engineers The Expert Group of the System Development Support Team is engaging two full -time Quality Assurance (QA) Engineers to provide technical assistance to the Software Development Team (SDT). Under the guidance of the Senior System Developer, the QA Engineers will be tasked with the responsibility of implementing the QA program for all SDT activities. The QA Engineers will provide independent and objective evaluation of process execution and work product quality. The QA organization advocates open communication and interaction with all SDT members to ensure understanding and the achievement of the common objectives. Specifically the Quality Assurance Engineers will be asked to: • Monitor SDT activities and ensure the appropriate standards,processes, and procedures are identified and implemented by SDT program staff. • Conduct audits and perform objective evaluations of SDT processes and work products, based on defined criteria, to ensure they are in accordance with and conform to specified standards, processes and procedures. • Record and communicate results of audits and evaluations, which include identifying and documenting non-conformances. • Develop, collect and analyze QA activity metrics and report results to Senior System Developer and SDT program management as appropriate. • Assign, track and verify corrective actions resulting from audits, evaluations or monitoring. • Ensure continuous process improvement by participating in process teams, lessons learned, management reviews, etc. • Manage QA-related activities, as assigned, in accordance with the SDT program schedule. The Quality Assurance Engineers must possess the following knowledge and experiences: • Software Engineering Principles – General understanding of software life cycle and software work products. • QA tools and techniques – General and specific knowledge of QA techniques, tools and best practices. • IT tools and techniques – General and specific knowledge of MS Office tools or comparable spreadsheet, word processing, presentation, database,and project management solutions. The Quality Assurance Engineers will be engaged with the System Development Support Team for an initial period for 3 (three) months with possible renewal depending on funding. It is expected that the role will be conducted on a full-time basis in the System Development Support Team’s office in Jakarta. If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit your letter of application and detailed resume at the latest on *7 September 2012 to: Please put the position you apply on the subject of the email. Only application in English will be accepted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No phone inquiries.



USAID SEADI Project invite you to join our energetic team as Senior Project Secretary Position: Senior Project Secretary Mainly work for Chief of Party, under coordination of Office Manager Educational background: Minimum D3 from Secretarial Academy or related other major like Business Administration, Communications etc Can communicate in English Have experience at least 5 years in the international development organizations and working with expatriates from different countries Have a good personality and flexible -used to working with different background of people Can work independently with limited supervisory and adapt easily in a team Responsibilities: - Support the SEADI Chief of Party in day-to-day implementation of project activities; - Maintain relationships with administrative staff of counterpart agencies; - Support consultants working for the Ministry of Trade and such other agencies as may be requested by the Chief of Party; - Coordinate the work of the other Secretaries working for SEADI; - In cooperation with the office manager, organize workshops and conferences for the Ministry of Trade and such other agencies as may be requested by the Chief of Party; - Support the Training Manager in liaison with officials from the Ministry of Trade who are involved in SEADI training programs; - Liase with vendors and other external parties on behalf of SEADI, including dealing and coordinating the service of health provider for staff health insurance; - Maintain meeting and `to do' calendars and schedule appointments; - Assist with translation of basic office documents and do Minutes of Meeting of regular staff meetings in SEADI; - Assist in preparation of quarterly and year-end financial reports; - Assist with drafting emails, and other communications on behalf of the SEADI Chief of Party; - Keep records of approval documents from and to USAID; and - Undertake other activities as may be reasonably assigned by the SEADI Chief of Party. Ability to join the project: Early September 2012 Kindly submit your CV and application letter not later than Friday, 31 August 2012 to No phone communications for this vacancy and only ones who fit with the qualifications will be contacted for interview.


Center for Detention Studies (CDS)

Center for Detention Studies (CDS) is a non-profit organization that based in Jakarta , Indonesia . CDS is an association which was founded on similar ideas about the need to monitor places of detention as well as to advocate for policy changes related arrests. CDS is working competence in the research area, which was intended to conduct and analysis of developments and problems places of detention in Indonesia as well as recommendations handling crimes that arise in society Core Duties and responsibilities are as follow: - Go through the different research documents and edit them. - Obtain consent documents from the subjects on whom the research is conducted or the guardians of those subjects. - Prepare databases as well as manage and manipulate them whenever needed. - Assist in the designing of questionnaires and other survey methodologies. - Handle the follow-up that is required after the study is conducted. - Track the research participants for the same. - Proofread the data and make corrections wherever necessary. - Assist in preparation of presentations, manuscripts and other project related topics. - Survey the tasks of survey interviewers. - Look into the different requirements of the research experiments and collect whatever is needed. - Convert material into coded data for computer entry. - Formulate and bring into force varied research quality and control procedures Requirements: - Male - Prefer domicile at Jabodetabek - Bachelor degree in Law/Criminology - Age 20-28 years old - interested in criminal justice system issue - Min 1 year experience Updated CV and application letter should be sent to Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format: "Assistant Researcher" . Closing date for application is 3nd September 2012 (Only short-listed candidates will be notified)


World Food Programme

Vacancy Announcement 12/INS/PAP/PROG/034 World Food Programme, Indonesia invites applications from the eligible candidates for the following position: Position: Field Monitor Assistant Contract Type: Service Contract Duty Station: Jayapura, Papua Accountabilities: Within delegated authority, the Field Monitor Assistant will be responsible for the following duties: Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the assistance program at the local level, in close collaboration with the implementing partners and/or the government; Monitor and review the overall commodity movements such as food purchase by the community, the storage, transport, process and distribution at the site and verify if the amounts purchased have been properly recorded. Also check the quality of the commodity and report if damaged or suspected to be damaged; Supervise the efficient distribution and management of food and non food items at the site and provide feedback to Field Officers and others on the distribution; Assist in the conduct of regular meetings of local government officials, village leaders, and implementing partners on the commodity pipeline, distribution arrangements, cooking process, entitlements and other relevant issues; Assist in the implementation of the plan of action, review achievement and constraints and provide feedback accordingly;Compile the information and submit monthly report to the Program Officer Collect qualitative information and stories from the field to be used for communication purpose Support in the elaboration of communication material, by taking pictures and making short videos Assist the WFP Officer and implementing partners in encouraging women’s access to economic skills development and sensitizing public opinion on gender issues and gender focused activities; Report periodically to the WFP Officer on relevant events regarding food management, distribution and other related issues; Identify any apparent issues in the program and report them to the appropriate personnel; Supervise and train other personnel as appropriate; Perform other related duties as required. Qualifications and Experiences: Education: Secondary school education, supplemented with experience or additional education in education, social services, nutrition, agriculture or other related field. Experience: At least four years of progressively responsible support experience including at least two years in the field of accounting,statistics, humanitarian operations, or another related field. Knowledge: Experience utilizing computers including word processing, spreadsheet and other software packages. Language: Fluency in both oral and written English and Bahasa Indonesia Only candidates meeting the above requirements are requested to apply. Female candidates are especially encouraged to apply. Applications should be addressed to: Human Resources Unit, World Food Programme, Jakarta. E-mail: All applications should include an updated CV (in English), a photograph and three references and should be received no later than 9 September 2012. Please state the title of the post in the email subject.


Chemonics International Inc.

Chemonics International Inc. seeks a Communications Manager in Mataram for the USAID funded Indonesia Marine and Climate Support (IMACS) project. This project aims to support the Government of Indonesia in improving the sustained management of marine ecosystems by providing technical support for key marine activities with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), local communities, and the private sector. Specific requirements The Mataram Communications Manager will have the following responsibilities: 1. Identifying and validating potential communications needs at the provincial, district, and village level, as well as any communications initiatives involving the private sector. This includes but is not limited to defining knowledge, attitudes, and practices; audiences; messages;communications mechanisms/media; expected outcomes; and approaches for monitoring impacts of campaigns. 2. Task-specific responsibilities, based on contract requirements,include: a. Under Task 1 (Institutional Development) help coordinate communications efforts, working with the Task 1 team in Jakarta, to improve MMAF’s (or as deemed appropriate the local fisheries offices) public outreach capacity in the provinces down to villages. A primary objective of the work is to enhance community participation in the management of Indonesia’s marine resources. b. Under Task 2 (Sustainable Fisheries Management) assist the Jakarta team and regional staff in defining and implementing any activities beyond those in (a) above that will specifically support Task 2 objectives and desired outcomes. c. Under Task 3 (Community Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation),support IMACS communications efforts to increase coastal populations’awareness of potential disaster and climate change impacts and risk reduction practices in selected villages and communities. This may also include communications at the district and/or provincial level tied to the village planning efforts. d. Under Task 4 (Program Integration, Coordination, and Administrative Support), assist as necessary with inputs to project communications efforts—largely developed in Jakarta—such as the IMACS website, program outreach materials consistent with USAID policies, and other information dissemination and exchange.Work with MMAF, including the communications department, and oversee IMACS communications staff working with provinces to encourage the government to adopt and implement selected policies and regulations related to marine resources and fisheries, and enhance government outreach capacity at the local level. 3. For the above work, coordinate the involvement and inputs of consultants, companies, and potentially grantees for communications campaigns and specific awareness raising activities that might include,but are not limited to focus group meetings, workshops, briefings, training sessions, and development of various awareness materials such as posters or brochures, other print material, videos, TV or radio spots, festivals,etc. 4. Identify staff and subcontractor resources for support to communications activities, and participate in the hiring or procurement of the assistance/services. 5. Help define key audiences and messages appropriate for the local communities and consistent with project objectives. Qualifications · At least 5-7 years of communications experience, especially in public outreach · Experience working with central and local government preferred · Successful experience working in a diverse, fast-paced environment · Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesian required Time Frame Interested applicants are requested to send a cover letter and resume (references will not be contacted prior the interview) to as soon as possible but no later than September 7, 2012. Please indicate “Mataram Communications Manager” in the subject line or your application and CV will be ignored. Only strongest candidates will be contacted and no telephone inquiries, please.



Greenpeace is one of the world’s most respected and dynamic organizations, is an international non-profit global campaigning organization that acts to ensure the ability of Earth to nurture life in all its diversity. At the heart of Greenpeace’s campaigns is the tradition of non-violent, direct action against environmental abuse and destruction. Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action. Currently we are seeking a Human Resources Manager Reporting to HR Director, the *Human Resources Manager* is responsible to: 1. Responsible for the implementation, execution and management of various key HR Functions including Compensation and Benefits, Competency and Learning Management, Performance Management at a country level 2. Responsible for the administrative affairs and management of country specific roles such as the administration of payroll, legal compliance and sourcing and recruitment. 3. Responsible to take leading role in overall HR management to support the office smooth operations and, at the same time, in line with unit’s mission. Qualification : 1.Recognized University degree in a related field with relevant experience/knowledge in contemporary Human Resource Management. Preference provided for a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management or a related field. 2.Minimum 7 years work experience in HR operations such as recruitment, staff orientation, performance management, employee relations, HR policies and procedures preparation and implementation. 3.Strong knowledge in salary structure and development, benefits and compensation, surveys/benchmarking and job evaluation systems. 4.Demonstrated ability to communicate well in both written and spoken English. If you think you fit to above qualifications, then you are most welcome to send your application form to Please find the Recruitment Pack and the Application Form for details in our website Applicants are invited to send letter of introduction, read the attached Recruitment Pack and send Application Form to Deadline of Applications: *September 09, 2012*.

PNPM Mandiri

TERMS OF REFERENCE Complaints Handling and Monitoring Consultant - (STC 1) Indonesia: National Program for Community Empowerment(PNPM Mandiri Rural) I. INTRODUCTION 1. The World Bank’s Social Development Department in Indonesia manages a challenging mix of community development operations, analytical tasks, and policy dialogue with government on participatory programs for poverty reduction. Staff in the Department comes from an equally broad range of backgrounds, but all are committed to basic principles of participation in development programs. 2. As part of its portfolio, the World Bank Social Development team is currently providing assistance to the Government of Indonesia for its flagship poverty reduction program, National Community Empowerment Program or Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat –Mandiri (PNPM-Mandiri). The goals of this program are to reduce poverty, strengthen local government and community institutions, and improve local governance. This poverty program is expected to cover all 80,000 villages and cities in the country by 2009. 3. Both the Government of Indonesia (GOI) and the World Bank are equally determined to have a ‘clean’ national poverty reduction program, and to combat corruption, collusion and nepotism in every potential level and stage of the project implementation. 4. The Government of Indonesia realize there are a number challenges to be faced as this process begin: (i) standardization among PNPM-Core activities; (ii) armonization on administrative process of PNPM-Core and PNPM Support programs; (iii) establishment of an integrated and open Management Information System as well as a Monitoring and Evaluation framework; (iv) recruiting and training community facilitators and consultants; (v) building capacity among local governments to understand and implement pro-poor policy and programs as well as ensuring the sustainability of the community empowerment process. 5. To meet these challenges, the Government of Indonesia, along with members of the international development community, established the PNPM Support Facility (PSF). This facility is expected to support and facilitate harmonization and decentralization of the PNPM Mandiri programs. The PSF is administered by the World Bank under the guidance of the Steering Committee. 6. The position described in these TOR is one of a number of assignments which together aim to reduce corruption and thereby increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Bank-financed projects in Indonesia, through a number of measures to reduce corruption in the execution of its projects in Indonesia. These measures include strengthened supervision during project implementation, more robust financial management, procurement and audit policies including the integration of ex-post procurement audits and the introduction of Anti-Corruption Action Plans into each project. II. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES 7. As part of its commitment to support PNPM Mandiri in Indonesia, the World Bank office Jakarta requires the services of a consultant with experience in the area of corruption prevention to assist the Anti-Corruption Committee in preventing and handling corruption in the PNPM Mandiri Rural in Indonesia. The Complaints Handling and Monitoring Consultant will be part of a Bank task team that is responsible for the supervision of PNPM Rural and provision of technical support to the PNPM Rural executing agency. The assignment is intended to increase fiduciary controls and minimize the risk of corruption and collusion in PNPM Mandiri Rural, and to ensure all complaints are handled proportionally and fairly. Key Duties and Responsibilities: · Assist and monitor the handling of complaints and corruption cases by the project consultants, project management and coordination teams at all levels; · Assist PMD and Peduli team in implementing SMS & Email gateway for complaints and web base Complaint Handling System; · Review the complaints and cases data to ensure its completeness, accuracy, prompt response / actions and quality of actions being taken; · Review on actions and sanctions being taken for cases, this will include review on compliance with SOP for Complaints Handling and Guideline for Problematic Locations; · Assess the progress of sanctioned locations and provide input on removing the sanction; · Compile the media coverage on corruption related to PNPM Rural & Pilots; · Conduct analysis on complaints and cases data and their resolution to be used for the semi-annually Governance & Anti Corruption update; · Assist the Fiduciary Team and other task teams in monitoring the implementation of Anti-Corruption Action Plans (ACAP) or Better Governance Action Plan (BGAP) which is annexed to the PAD of PNPM Rural and is embedded in the PNPM Rural Project Manual; · Obtain data on compliance with the anti-corruption measures included in the Project Operation Manual (PTO). Provide recommendations on how compliance can be better enforced. Secondary duties may include, but are not limited to: · Contribute ideas to the analysis of corruption prevention techniques and mechanism with a view to identifying those most likely to be effective in reducing corruption in PNPM Mandiri and in particular for Community Driven Development (CDD) projects supported by the World Bank. This will involve identifying new and innovative means for the independent monitoring of World Bank-funded CDD projects. · Conduct periodic field monitoring and supervision, particularly with respect to complaints and cases resolution and compliance with the BGAP. · Maintain regular communications and cooperation with other task team members, other task teams of PNPM core and pilot programs, PNPM Peduli and relevant Government of Indonesia bodies such as the PNPM Steering Committee and BPKP. III. OUTPUTS 8. Outputs for this assignment include: · Data on Big Fraud Cases and Compilation of fraud related news or articles to be used for reporting to INT, incidental · Data analysis on corruption for the Semi-annual reports to the Anti-Corruption Focal Point for EAP and INT · Monthly Database of complaints and cases the Task Team needs to follow up on · Monthly Corruption Monitoring Report which include the status of actions and action to be taken · Bi-weekly matrices of key issues and cases demanding management attention · BTORs as required for supervision missions, with agreement matrices · Incidental reports or input to reports, as needed IV. TIMING, LOCATION, & SUPERVISION The Complaints Handling and Monitoring Consultant will work within the Bank, the PNPM-Rural Task Team is in the Social Unit. The Social Sector Coordinator is Jan Weetjens. The consultant will report to the Fiduciary Coordinator, Alexander Setiadji who will provide routine guidance and instruction. The duration of this STC is 120 days for one year starting mid of Sep 2012 to end of Jun 2013, with the possibility of extension subject to satisfactory performance. V. QUALIFICATIONS · Minimum Bachelor’s degree in relevant field (law, social sciences, economics, informatics). · At least seven and preferably ten years full-time work experience in area of complaints handling, anti corruption, judicial advocacy related to CDD projects,. · Familiarity with and, ideally, direct experience on complaints handling system and/or anti-corruption issues and programs. · Experience with and or solid knowledge of government system, judicial system, Indonesia anti corruption law, government projects and media monitoring. · Combined knowledge of accounting, auditing and/or infrastructure project-related skills would be an asset. · Strong oral and written communications skills in Bahasa Indonesia and able to read document and understand direction in English. · Ability to work flexibility, as part of a team, and to work collaboratively with a range of other program stakeholders. For interested applicants please send your application to Rumiah Aritonang ( and at the subject of the email put ‘Application for CHM Consultant’.

Chemonics International Inc.

Chemonics International Inc. seeks a Communications Manager in Kendari for the USAID funded Indonesia Marine and Climate Support (IMACS) project.This project aims to support the Government of Indonesia in improving the sustained management of marine ecosystems by providing technical support for key marine activities with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries(MMAF), local communities, and the private sector. Specific requirements The Kendari Communications Manager will have the following responsibilities: 1. Identifying and validating potential communications needs at the provincial, district, and village level, as well as any communications initiatives involving the private sector. This includes but is not limited to defining knowledge, attitudes, and practices; audiences; messages;communications mechanisms/media;expected outcomes; and approaches for monitoring impacts of campaigns. 2. Task-specific responsibilities, based on contract requirements,include: a. Under Task 1 (Institutional Development) help coordinate communications efforts, working with the Task 1 team in Jakarta, to improve MMAF’s (or as deemed appropriate the local fisheries offices) public outreach capacity in the provinces down to villages. A primary objective of the work is to enhance community participation in the management of Indonesia’s marine resources. b. Under Task 2 (Sustainable Fisheries Management) assist the Jakarta team and regional staff in defining and implementing any activities beyond those in (a) above that will specifically support Task 2 objectives and desired outcomes. c. Under Task 3 (Community Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation),support IMACS communications efforts to increase coastal populations’awareness of potential disaster and climate change impacts and risk reduction practices in selected villages and communities. This may also include communications at the district and/or provincial level tied to the village planning efforts. d. Under Task 4 (Program Integration, Coordination, and Administrative Support), assist as necessary with inputs to project communications efforts—largely developed in Jakarta—such as the IMACS website, program outreach materials consistent with USAID policies, and other information dissemination and exchange.Work with MMAF, including the communications department, and oversee IMACS communications staff working with provinces to encourage the government to adopt and implement selected policies and regulations related to marine resources and fisheries, and enhance government outreach capacity at the local level. 3. For the above work, coordinate the involvement and inputs of consultants, companies, and potentially grantees for communications campaigns and specific awareness raising activities that might include, but are not limited to focus group meetings, workshops, briefings, training sessions, and development of various awareness materials such as posters or brochures, other print material, videos, TV or radio spots, festivals, etc. 4. Identify staff and subcontractor resources for support to communications activities, and participate in the hiring or procurement of the assistance/services. 5. Help define key audiences and messages appropriate for the local communities and consistent with project objectives. Qualifications · At least 5-7 years of communications experience, especially in public outreach · Experience working with central and local government preferred · Successful experience working in a diverse, fast-paced environment · Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesian required Time Frame Interested applicants are requested to send a cover letter and resume(references will not be contacted prior the interview) to as soon as possible but no later than September 7,2012. Please indicate “Kendari Communications Manager” in the subject line or your application and CV will be ignored. Only strongest candidates will be contacted and no telephone inquiries, please.


Pusat Informasi AIDS Nasional ( PIAN )

Dalam rangka melaksanakan tugas untuk memimpin, mengelola upaya penanggulangan AIDS, Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional (KPAN) membutuhkan: 1 (satu) orang Asisten Koordinator Pusat Informasi AIDS Nasional ( PIAN ) Tanggung Jawab: 1. Bertanggung jawab atas pengembangan, pemeliharaan dan pemuktahiran database seluruh materi publikasi terkait HIV dan AIDS baik berupa buku, CD,VCD maupun DVD, yang dikeluarkan oleh KPAN maupun organisasi terkait lainnya. 2. Bertanggung jawab atas pemantauan peminjaman dan pengembalian koleksi buku perpustakaan, termasuk melayani permintaan materi publikasi, baik yang berasal dari pengunjung PIAN maupun yang disampaikan melalui korespondesi surat dan telepon. 3. Melayani konsultasi dasar HIV dan AIDS yang masuk melalui hotline PIAN (Via telpon, email dan tatap muka) termasuk bertanggung jawab dalam hal pencatatatn konsultasi HIV dan AIDS yang diterima. 4. Membantu pengelolaan E-library dan E-Catalog PIAN melalui website organisasi. 5. Membantu pengelolaan harian media jejaring sosial organisasi (twitter, facebook, youtube,dsb) 6. Bertanggung jawab atas penyebarluasan klipping berita (media coverage) melalui email, website dan media jejaring sosial organisasi. 7. Membantu melakukan promosi materi publikasi,baik buku maupun KIE melalui website,jejaring media sosial organisasi maupun milis. 8. Membantu pengelolaan database seluruh informasi organisasi sebagaimana diatur dalam UU Keterbukaan Informasi Publik. 9. Memberikan dukungan penuh kepada tim komunikasi dalam pelaksanaan kampanye HIV dan AIDS baik berupa pameran, konferensi pers maupun kampanye lainnya yang bersifat strategis. Kualifikasi: 1. Pendidikan minimum Sarjana (S1) bidang Komunikasi 2. Pengalaman minimal 3 (tiga) tahun di bidang komunikasi (public relation, promosi) 3. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggirs baik lisan maupun tulisan Kerangka Acuan untuk posisi diatas dapat dilihat di, apabila anda berminat mengisi posisi tersebut dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran dan CV (dalam bahasa inggris) paling lambat 1 (satu) minggu setelah iklan ini ditayangkan dengan mencantumkan kode posisi: PIAN melalui email ke



The USAIDproject Prioritazing Reform, Innovation and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (PRIORITAS)will focus on capacity building and quality improvements forteacher training institutions (TTI) and for non-academic, pre-serviceteacher training providers. PRIORITAS will build the capacity ofschools and MoEC,MORA national, provincial and district offices together with pre-and in-serviceteacher training organizations tocoordinate,plan andtrain. The PRIORITAS is currently seeking qualified individualswith wide networking among local government and schools to fill thepositionsof the District Coordinators These positions to be based in - Aceh : Aceh Jaya & Bener Meriah - North Sumatera : Labuhan Batu, Nias Selatan,Medan - West Java : Bandung Barat, Ciamis, Bogor - Banten : Pandeglang,Serang - Central Java : Banjarnegara, Batang, Purbalingga, Srangen, Semarang - East Java : Pamekasan, Situbondo, Madiun, Mojokerto, Blitar - South Sulawesi : Maros,Bantaeng, Wajo The District Coordinator's responsibilities may include: 1. Support Provincial Coordinator (PC) and District Facilitator (DF) in planning and facilitating meetings with local governments, schools, and other institutions to support dissemination of PRIORITAS program. 2. Support PC and DF in providing ongoing support for PRIORITAS schools and in supporting schools, districts and other institutions in implementing PRIORITAS programs through dissemination. 3. Work with provincial team in organizing, planning, implementing, evaluating and reporting on activities related to strategic planning and financial analysis and in annual planning and budgeting. 4. Work with provincial team in organizing, planning, implementing, evaluating and reporting on activities related to asset management, supervision and personnel management. 5. Supports the implementation of various ICT based activities relating to the PRIORITASprograms at district, sub-district/cluster and school levels. 6. Develops and maintains effective communication with stake holders atdistrict/city, sub-district, and school levels including Office of Bupati, Bappeda, Office of Education, Office of Religious Affairs (Kandepag), DPRD, Dewan Pendidikan, CSO, and local media. 7. Works closely with other agencies in coordinating PRIORITAS programs and activities at district level. 8. Develops relations with other related projects operating in the same district 9. Supervise and support program dissemination at the district level to ensure the quality is well maintained. 10. Collect best practices and provide reports from district regarding program implementation and opportunities/challenges of education management at district level. Qualifications: a minimum education at the S1 level, preferably in education or social science; b. at least five years of work experience in the education/community development sector;capacity to establish and/or extend working networks with local government and non-government partners within districts; c. at least two years experience in education development the area of education planning and finance including school based management; d. Skills with computer literate, particularly the following software packages: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint,Excel and e-mail. e. A good work ethic and strong desire to complete tasks in a timely manner as directed. f. Ability to effectively organize, prioritize work assignments, and work well under pressure to meet deadlines g. Ability to work independently and as a team member h. Ability to appreciate international diversity and to establish effective working relationships with international clients i. Ability to establish and maintain working relationships with supervisor and project staff j. Commitment to basic principles of equity and to broader RTI ethical guidelines. k. Have Basic English proficiency. To apply please send your CV and salary history no later than September03, 2012 to : 1. for District Coordinator of Aceh 2. prioritas-vacancy-nsumatera@rti-indomd.rti.orgfor Distric Coordinator of North Sumatera 3. prioritas-vacancy-wjava@rti-indomd.rti.orgfor District Coordinator of West Java 4. prioritas-vacancy-banten@rti-indomd.rti.orgfor District Coordinator of Banten 5. prioritas-vacancy-cjava@rti-indomd.rti.orgfor District Coordinator of Central Java 6. for District Coordinator of East Java 7. for District Coordianator of South Sulawesi Please write down the position, preferred district,and your name in the title of your CV and subject line of your email.Interested parties should respond immediately in the above format and submit the application to above link.Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No phone and e-mail inquiries, please.


AMARTA II is a USAID funded program that aims to improve the competitiveness of the value chains of export and high-value agricultural commodities, including Coffee, Cocoa and Horticultural crops through improving access to credit, information and markets in these three sectors. The project will work extensively with local government, farmers groups, marketing companies, processors, input suppliers and other stakeholders to increase the income of the whole sector and the proportion of income retained by farmers. Our project and offices are in Medan, Makassar, Bandung, and our National Office is located in Jakarta. We are currently seeking experienced professionals to fill the Mobile Application Specialist (MAS) based in Jakarta. Mobile Application Specialist (MAS). S/He will participate in identifying,developing and training mobile money cash in/cash out agents as well as enrolling merchants. S/He will also support AMARTA II in the deployment of Short Message Service (SMS) and other mobile apps for the capture as well as delivery of e.g. relevant information. S/He will support market research and analysis that will inform the overall design of AMARTA II use of mobile applications and the execution of pilots. Requirements:Minimum of 3 years demonstrated experience working in mobile finance and/or mobile applications, preferably with a service provider. Display the capacity and business acumen to help scale up mobile money services. Understanding of micro, small and medium enterprises’business models; experience providing advisory and training, preferably in agriculture, recommended. Demonstrated knowledge of financial services and payment products; ability to think creatively about alternative payment systems and applications of mobile finance in agriculture. Experience working on designing and analyzing market research, particularly related to Mobile Network Operator's (MNO) and mobile service providers, is preferred. Experience leading, coordinating and monitoring the implementation of projects. Strong communication skills and ability to work with a wide range of actors. Ability to travel; position will require frequent visits in collaboration with AMARTA II staff to ensure that pilot activities are progressing effectively. Strong English language skills. Duration of assignment is 12 month and starting date immediately. Interested candidates are requested to provide a Cover Letter and CV by e-mail torecruitment@amarta-2.orgwithMobile Application Specialist (MAS) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Last date for receipt of applications is7th September 2012.


The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

Posisi : West Timor Program Officer (WTPO) Supervisor : Senior Program Officer (SPO) Lokasi : Nusa Tenggara Timor Periode Kerja : Sept 2012 – Sept 2013 Tanggal Revisi : - A. RINGKASAN KERJA West Timor Program Officer (WTPO) akan bertanggung jawab dalam hal pengelolaan dan implementasi program-program di wilayah Nusa Tenggara Timur,bersama dengan Senior Program Officer (SPO) terlibat aktif dalam pengembangan arah program ke depan sesuai dengan visi misi AFSC Indonesia, melakukan kunjungan proyek di lapangan, menuliskan studi kasus, dan kisah-kisah lapangan, dan mengelola setiap pembelajaran mitra-mitra lokal menjadi sebuah LSM atau organisasi masyarakat lokal yang lebih efektif. B. PELAPORAN Dibawah supervisi, pengarahan dan panduan dari Senior Program Officer (SPO) AFSC, maka WTPO akan melaporkan hal-hal tersebut di bawah ini kepada SPO: Rencana kerja (workplan) 2 bulanan yang menyangkut kegiatan, jadwal dan anggaran serta menjaga alur anggaran dan hubungannya dengan rencana kegiatan.Laporan naratif program 3 bulanan yang mencakup kemajuan yang dicapai dari rencana yang sudah disusun,mengungkapkan perubahan-perubahan yang muncul dari dalam diri maupun komunitas yang dilayani (partners).Laporan perencanaan anggaran program per 2 bulanan (budget request). C. LINGKUP KERJA & TANGGUNGJAWAB Lingkup kerja dan tanggung jawab WTPO meliputi semua program yang mendapatkan pendanaan dari EED, dalam hal ini adalah Program Capacity Building Timor Barat dan Program Youth for Peace di wilayah Kupang. Pengembangan Kemitraan Menjaga hubungan baik dengan mitra-mitra AFSC Indonesia serta dengan pihak pemerintahan lokal .Memperluas penyebaran isu bina-damai kepada jaringan di Timor Barat.Melakukan pendampingan terkait dengan laporan dan keuangan mitra. Pengelolaan Program Mempersiapkan materi Laporan Semester, Laporan Tahunan dan materi lainnya dalam konteks program EED. Melakukan diskusi dan konsultasi dengan SPO mengenai ide/gagasan yang terkait dengan pengembangan program yang potensial untuk dilakukan, baik program Youth maupun program NTT sendiri.Memastikan perencanaan,implementasi dan MONEV program mitra di Timor Barat dan Program Youth berjalan dengan baik.Terlibat dalam proses komunikasi antara Youth Program Officer (YPO) dengan mitra dampingannya.Mengelola capaian/hasil dari program dan CB yang sedang berjalan. Administrasi, Mengelola administrasi dan keuangan program di West Timor, termasuk didalamnya perencanaan dan pelaporan.Memberi masukan dalam pengambilan keputusan ‘berat’ bersama SPO dan CR terkait dengan permasalahan yang mungkin timbul dalam kemitraan dan di lapangan.Terlibat aktif dalam agenda-agenda strategis organisasi. Terbuka untuk berpartisipasi dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan bina damai dan/atau pertemuan dengan pemerintahan jika diminta oleh Country Representative; Berpartisipasi dalam pertemuan tahunan mitra AFSC atau pertemuan regional jika diminta;Bekerjasama dengan Tim Administrasi dalam mematuhi dan menjaga prosedur administrasi dan keuangan AFSC Indonesia. D.KRITERIA Wajib Mempunyai komitment terhadap nilai-nilai dan testimoni Quaker tentang Peace. Memahami dan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip dan filosofi dari American Friends Service Committee termasuk di dalamnya non violence dan keyakinan bahwa ada kebaikan di dalam diri setiap individu.Memahami dan mempunyai komitmen terhadap prinsip-prinsip, concern dan pertimbangan-pertimbangan AFSC mengenai isu-isu kebhinekaan / pluralisme dan menghormati sesama (ras, kelas sosial, kewarganegaraan, agama, umur, gender dan kecacatan). Mampu menunjukkan kemampuannya sesuai bidang pekerjaannya dan berkomunikasi dengan karakter staff yang berbeda-beda.Warganegara Indonesia yang mampu berkomunikasi dan menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik; S1 atau S2 dalam bidang yang relevan dengan tugas-tugasnya atau mempunyai pengalaman kerja selama 6 tahun atau lebih bekerja sama dengan INGO atau lokal NGO. Memahami peace-building akan menjadi asset penting.Telah mempunyai pengalaman selama 4 tahun atau lebih dalam bidang bantuan kemanusiaan, pemberdayaan sosial dan atau program-program pembangunan masyarakat di Indonesia.Mempunyai pengalaman dalam hal perencanaan, implementasi dan MONEV program. Menguasai MS word, excel dan power poin, serta mampu menggunakan internet dan sistem email.Memiliki interpersonal skill yang baik; menyenangkan, sopan, terbuka, dapat diandalkan, dan jujur;Mampu bekerja secara efektif dalam tim untuk mengoordinasi, mengatur, dan memonitor. Mampu bekerja dibawah supervisi, delegasi, dan jadwal yang ketat.Kesediaan untuk melakukan kunjungan lapangan ke lokasi kerja AFSC Indonesia Harapan Pemahaman yang cukup dalam mengembangkan program peningkatan kapasitas jangka panjang yang sejalan dengan etos kerja AFSC. Memiliki komitmen dan perhatian besar terhadap penerima manfaat dari program-program yang di danai AFSC. Apabila Anda tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, kirimkan surat lamaran Anda beserta CV kurang dari 3 halaman, ditujukan kepada Country Representative-AFSC Indonesia melalui alamat email paling lambat tanggal 11 September 2012. Cantumkan kode lamaran WTPO. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dihubungi. Perempuan dan ibu bekerja didorong untuk melamar. The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, welcoming applications from qualified persons regardless of their religious affiliation rave, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability. Women are encouraged to apply.


Lowongan Kerja PT Bahana Artha Ventura

Lowongan Kerja PT Bahana Artha Ventura
Lowongan Kerja PT Bahana Artha Ventura - PT Bahana Artha Ventura adalah perusahaan pembiayaan yang fokus pada pengembangan usaha mikro, kecil, menengah (UMKM) dan koperasi dengan memberikan fasilitas pembiayaan dan pendampingan manajemen dengan tetap menjalankan praktek bisnis yang sehat. PT Bahana Artha Ventura merupakan anak perusahaan PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia yang sahamnya dikuasai oleh Departemen Keuangan (80%) dan Bank Indonesia (20%). Dalam mengembangkan UMKM yang tangguh, PT Bahana Artha Ventura juga bekerjasama dengan Perusahaan Modal Ventura Daerah (PMVD), yaitu melalui program pendanaan pola bagi hasil yang disertai pendampingan manajemen dan jasa lainnya demi peningkatan produktivitas, perluasan pasar dan perbaikan daya saing produk UMKM tersebut. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa kekuatan PT Bahana Artha Ventura terletak pada tiga faktor pengembangan UMKM di Indonesia, yakni Pembiayaan, Dampingan Manajemen dan Bantuan Akses Perluasan Pasar.

PT Bahana Artha Ventura menggunakan jenis pola pembiayaan adalah bagi hasil dimana terlebih dahulu disepakati suatu prosentase tertentu dari keuntungan setiap bulan atau dari suatu periode yang telah ditetapkan yang akan diberikan oleh Perusahaan Pasangan Usaha (PPU) kepada Modal Ventura. PT Bahana Artha Ventura juga didukung oleh SDM handal dan berpengalaman baik di sektor Perbankan maupun sektor jasa keuangan lain. PT Bahana Artha Ventura kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja BUMN dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 PT Bahana Artha Ventura

Sales Officer Micro Finance (VCO)
  1. Pendidikan Minimal D3 semua jurusan
  2. Mampu bekerja mandiri dan di dalam tim
  3. Komunikatif, proaktif dan memiliki inisiatif yang tinggi
  4. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
  5. Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Sales / Marketing di Lembaga Keuangan min 1 Tahun. Pengalaman di Micro Finance lebih disukai
  6. Memiliki kendaraan roda dua
  7. Menguasai areanya masing masing.
  8. Penempatan di kantor PT Bahana Artha Ventura cabang Jakarta Raya, Bandung (Jawa Barat), Bekasi (Jawa Barat), Bogor (Jawa Barat), Cianjur (Jawa Barat), Cibinong (Jawa Barat), Cikarang (Jawa Barat), Cileungsi (Jawa Barat), Cimahi (Jawa Barat), Depok (Jawa Barat), Karawang (Jawa Barat), Purwakarta (Jawa Barat), Sukabumi (Jawa Barat), Tasikmalaya (Jawa Barat), Tangerang (Banten)
Head Unit Mikro Finance (HU)
  1. Pendidikan Minimal D3 semua jurusan
  2. Mampu bekerja mandiri dan di dalam tim
  3. Komunikatif, proaktif dan memiliki inisiatif yang tinggi
  4. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
  5. Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Sales / Marketing di Lembaga Keuangan min 3 Tahun
  6. Memiliki kemampuan memimpin tim
  7. Memiliki kendaraan roda dua
  8. Penempatan wilayah Jabodetabek
Collection Head (COL)
  1. Pendidikan Minimal S1 segala jurusan
  2. Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun sebagai Head atau Collection Manager di Bank atau Lembaga pembiayaan non Bank yang menangani pembiayaan mikro
  3. Memahami Credit Risk Management dengan baik
  4. Mampu melakukan monitoring dan penanganan terhadap kredit bermasalah
  5. Mampu bekerja mandiri dan di dalam tim
  6. Komunikatif, proaktif dan memiliki inisiatif yang tinggi
  7. Area Penempatan PT Bahana Artha Ventura wilayah Jakarta
SID Administration (SID ADM)
  1. Pendidikan Minimal D3 Administrasi
  2. Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Administrasi 1 tahun, diutamakan berpengalaman menggunakan SID (Sistem Informasi Debitur).
  3. Mampu bekerja mandiri dan di dalam tim
  4. Komunikatif, proaktif dan memiliki inisiatif yang tinggi
  5. Mampu mengoperasikan computer (Minimal Microsoft Office Excel dan Word)
  6. Penempatan PT Bahana Artha Ventura wilayah Jakarta
Anda memenuhi salahsatu kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja 2012 PT Bahana Artha Ventura diatas, segera kirimkan surat lamaran, cv dan pasfoto terbaru ukuran 4x6 ke alamat di bawah ini:

HR Bahana Group (PT Bahana Artha Ventura)
Gedung Graha Niaga Lt. 20
Jln Jendral Sudirman Kav 58
Jakarta Selatan 12190
Atau melalui email:
Informasi lanjut Lihat disini

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lowongan Kerja Bank Danamon

Lowongan Kerja Bank Danamon
Lowongan Kerja Bank Danamon - Bank Danamon merupakan perusahaan publik Institusi Financial terbesar yang telah masuk ke Bursa Efek indonesia. Bank Danamon awalnya bernama Bank Kopra yang berdiri tahun 1956 dan pada saat itu masih berstatus Bank Devisa. Tahun 2004 Danamon meluncurkan inisiatif Danamon Simpan Pinjam yang merupakan bisnis di bidang perbankan mikro. Bank Danamon juga melebarkan sayap ke bidang kredit konsumer melalui akuisisi Adira Finance, yaitu salah satu perusahaan pembiayaan otomotif terbesar di Indonesia.

Bank Danamon saat ini memiliki lebih dari 1.400 kantor cabang yang tersebar di berbagai pelosok tanah air dari sabang sampai merauke. Bank Danamon juga merupakan Bank terbesar kelima di Indonesia dari segi aset financial dan terus menjalani perubahan transformasional yang dirancang untuk dijadikannya sebagai bank nasional terkemuka dan pelaku unggulan. Bank Danamon kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja Bank dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Cluster Manager (CM - 001)
  1. Pendidikan S1 (semua jurusan)
  2. Minimum 5 tahun sebagai kepala cabang sales di beberapa cabang dalam bisnis perbankan/ finance lainnya dengan track record yang baik
  3. Memiliki pemahaman mengenai bisnis mikro
  4. Memiliki pengetahuan yang kuat mengenai business plan, business operation
  5. Jujur, bisa dipercaya
  6. Memiliki tingkat energi yang tinggi
  7. Memiliki standard kerja yang tinggi
  8. Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik dan mudah beradaptasi dengan ber bagai budaya yang beragam
  9. Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi yang baik
  10. Fokus pada customer
  11. Memiliki kepemimpinan yang kuat, mampu membangun tim yang sukses, mampu membuat program pengembangan bagi tim sesuai dengan arah bisnis
  12. Mampu melakukan coaching dan mentoring
  13. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan presentasi yang sangat baik
  14. Penempatan: Bank Danamon wilayah Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur
Account Officer ( AO - MKS 016)
  1. Fresh Graduate Min. D3 atau berpengalaman 2 tahun di bidang penjualan produk simpanan pinjaman mikro
  2. Bersedia bekerja di area pasar
  3. Memiliki network yang luas
  4. Berorientasi pada target
  5. Memiliki SIM C dan berkendaraan roda dua
  6. Menguasai bahasa daerah dan mengenal komunitas setempat
  7. Penempatan: Bank Danamon wilayah Papua, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara, Papua Barat, Sulawesi Barat
Unit Manager (UM - 001)
  1. Pendidikan S1 (semua jurusan)
  2. Minimum 2 tahun sebagai kepala cabang sales dalam bisnis perbankan/ finance lainnya dengan track record yang baik
  3. Memiliki pemahaman mengenai bisnis mikro
  4. Memiliki pengetahuan yang kuat mengenai business operation, mampu mengembangkan prosedur dan sistem monitoring
  5. Jujur, bisa dipercaya
  6. Memiliki tingkat energi yang tinggi
  7. Memiliki standard kerja yang tinggi
  8. Memiliki selling skill yang baik
  9. Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik dan mudah beradaptasi dengan ber bagai budaya yang beragam
  10. Fokus pada customer
  11. Memiliki kepemimpinan yang kuat, mampu memotivasi, coaching dan memonitor tim
  12. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan presentasi yang sangat baik
  13. Penempatan: Bank Danamon Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur
Jika anda tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja 2012 Bank Danamon ini, segera kirimkan surat lamaran, cv dan foto terbaru ke alamat:

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (DSP)
Graha Surya Internusa Bank Danamon Lt 15 Jakarta 12190.
Website: http://bank
Info lebih lanjut silahkan Lihat disini

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lowongan Kerja Telkomsel

Lowongan Kerja Telkomsel
Lowongan Kerja Telkomsel - Telkomsel adalah salah satu perusahaan operator telekomunikasi seluler yang memiliki layanan pascabayar kartuHALO. Telkomsel juga memiliki produk operator GSM yaitu; simpati, as dan kartuHALO pasca bayar. Telkomsel terus mengembangkan layanan telekomunikasi selular untuk mengukuhkan posisi sebagai penyedia layanan gaya hidup selular, a truly mobile lifestyle. saham Telkomsel dimiliki oleh PT Telkom sebesar 65% dan sisanya oleh perusahaan telekomunikasi Singapura, SingTel.

Telkomsel terus memastikan kesiapan jaringan dan infrastrukturnya di seluruh Indonesia untuk melayani lonjakan arus telekomunikasi selular, khususnya selama libur lebaran kemarin. Telkomsel mencatat lebaran 2012 ini terjadi lonjakan pengiriman SMS sekitar 50 persen dan MMS sebesar 100 persen selama masa liburan Lebaran tahun ini. Sedangkan layanan suara dan data diperkirakan meningkat lebih dari 6 dan 23 %. Telkomsel saat ini kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja Telkom dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Customer Service (CS)
  1. Perempuan, single, Usia maksimal 24 tahun
  2. Proporsional, penampilan menarik, good looking is a must.
  3. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, individual maupun Team.
  4. Menguasai / memahami perkembangan teknologi Informasi dan gadget.
  5. Fresh graduate , atau sudah berpengalaman , Minimal D3, IPK min 2,5 dari semua Jurusan
  6. Bahasa Inggris Aktif, poin plus.
  7. Menguasai dengan baik Microsoft office, Internet dan sistem reporting dasar.
  8. Motivasi kerja Tinggi, Berkepribadian menarik dan punya kemauan untuk bekerja keras.
  9. Mempunyai Loyalitas Tinggi.
  10. Jumlah posisi yang di butuhkan 2 orang
Anda berminat dengan Lowongan Kerja 2012 Telkomsel ini, segera kirimkan surat lamaran, CV dan foto terbaru ukuran 4x6 ke alamat:

Telkomsel GraPARI
Telkomsel GraPARIkios JEPARA
Jln Pemuda no.64 Jepara
Atau email :
Lamaran paling lambat: 15 September 2012
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Lowongan Kerja PT Siantar Top Tbk

Lowongan Kerja PT Siantar Top Tbk
Lowongan Kerja PT Siantar Top Tbk - PT Siantar Top adalah sebuah perusahaan produsen makanan yang memproduksi noodle, snack, permen, minuman, permen dan biscuit. PT Siantar Top merupakan Industri berskala nasional yang awalnya berdiri di Sidoarjo pada tahun 1987. PT Siantar Top Tbk senantiasa aktif dan kreatif menggali ide-ide baru, terbuka terhadap perubahan dan peka melihat peluang untuk diimplementasikan dalam pengembangan perusahaan. Siantar Top Tbk dalam berproduksi lebih mengutamakan inovasi dan teknologi terkini yang bertaraf Internasional.

PT Siantar Top Tbk 2012 produksinya berpeluang memasuki pasar ekspor ke Korea, Jepang dan Taiwan, misalnya krupuk, mie, biskuit, wafer dan permen. PT Siantar Top Tbk tumbuh melesat hingga 97 persen menjadi Rp 27 miliar. Pertumbuhan laba bersih antara lain didorong peningkatan penjualan dan perbaikan margin profitabilitas. PT Siantar Top saat ini sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja PT dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 PT Siantar Top Tbk

Staff General Ledger
  1. Pria / Wanita
  2. Pendidikan D3 / S1 Akuntansi
  3. Usia maksimal 30 tahun
  4. Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun (reshgraduate welcome)
  5. Menguasai General Ledger dan memahami perpajakan
Management Trainee
  1. Pria / Wanita
  2. Usia maksimal 30 Tahun
  3. Pendidikan D3 / S1 Teknologi Pangan
  4. Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun (freshgraduate welcome)
  5. Lebih disukai Mengerti GMP, HACCP
SPV Gudang (Warehouse)
  1. Pria
  2. Pendidikan D3 / S1 Teknik Industri atau yang setara
  3. Usia maksimal 30 Tahun
  4. Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
  5. Mengetahui administrasi gudang
  6. Mengetahui pola penyimpanan
  7. Mengetahui Pola Outgoing
Staff Purchasing
  1. Pria / Wanita
  2. Usia maksimal 28 tahun
  3. Pendidikan D3 / S1 segala jurusan
  4. Pengalaman 1 tahun / fresh graduate welcome
Assistant Head Produksi
  1. Pria
  2. Pendidikan D3 / S1 Teknologi Industri, Teknologi Pangan
  3. Usia maksimal 35 tahun
  4. Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai SPV Produksi
  5. Mengerti GMP, HACCP, keamanan pangan dan sanitasi
  6. Memahami pengawasan terhadap pencapaian target output produksi
  7. Memiliki jiwa leadership yang tinggi
  8. Memiliki daya analisa yang tinggi
  9. Mampu berkoordinasi dengan baik
  10. Bersedia bekerja dengan waktu shift
Jika anda memenuhi salahsatu kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja 2012 PT Siantar Top Tbk diatas, segera kirimkan lamaran, cv dan pasfoto terbaru ke alamat:

PT Siantar Top Tbk
Jln Raya Narogong KM 7, Cipendawa No.7
Bojong Menteng, Rawalumbu, Bekasi Timur
Atau via email:
Info detail silahkan Lihat disini

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Lowongan Kerja PT Perkebunan Nusantara V

Lowongan Kerja PT Perkebunan Nusantara V
Lowongan Kerja PT Perkebunan Nusantara V - PT Perkebunan Nusantara V (Persero) atau PTPN V adalah sebuah perusahaan pemerintah (BUMN) yang bergerak dalam bidang perkebunan khususnya karet dan kelapa sawit. PT Perkebunan Nusantara V berdiri tahun 1996 atas konsolidasi kebun pengembangan PTP II, PTP IV, dan PTP V di Provinsi Riau, yang kemudian mulai beroperasi sejak tanggal 9 April 1996 dengan Kantor Pusat di Pekanbaru. PT Perkebunan Nusantara meraih dua Penghargaan, yaitu Terbaik II untuk IT Governance Kategori BUMN Perkebunan, Pertanian, Kehutanan dan Perikanan serta Terbaik I untuk Pengelola Portal Publik.

PT Perkebunan Nusantara V sistem kerjanya meliputi pembukaan lahan, penanaman, pemeliharaan, pemanenan sampai dengan pengolahan hasil produksinya menjadi barang jadi dan setengah jadi berupa minyak sawit (CPO), inti sawit, PKO, PKM, Standard Indonesia Rubber. PT Perkebunan Nusantara V memiliki produk utama Minyak Sawit dan Inti Sawit serta Karet yang bekerja sama denga perusahaan malaysia. PTPN V saat ini sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja BUMN dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 PT Perkebunan Nusantara V Persero

Formasi Lowongan PTPN V:
No Formasi Jabatan Pendidikan Kode
1 Bidang Tanaman Sarjana Pertanian (Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman, Ilmu Tanah, Budidaya Pertanian, Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Agrobisnis, Budidaya Perkebunan) BAT
2 Bidang Teknik/Pengolahan Sarjana Teknik (Teknik Mesin, Teknologi Industri, Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Perkebunan, Mekanisasi Pertanian, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Elektro Arus Kuat,Teknik Sipil, Teknik Arsitektur, Teknik Lingkungan) BTP
3 Bidang Administrasi/Keuangan Sarjana Ekonomi (Akuntansi dan Manajemen) BAK
4 Bidang SDM/Umum Sarjana Hukum (Hukum Perdata, Hukum Bisnis/Ekonomi); Sarjana Ilmu Sosial Politik (Ilmu Komunikasi) BSU

  1. Warga Negara Indonesia
  2. Menyukai pekerjaan di bidang perkebunan
  3. Berusia maksimal 30 Tahun pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2012.
  4. Berijazah sarjana (setara S1) dengan IPK minimal 3,00 untuk PTN dan 3,25 untuk PTS (terakreditasi) dalam skala 4,00.
  5. Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah terlibat dalam tindak pidana.
  6. Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  7. Pelamar yang mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang perkebunan lebih diutamakan
Lamaran kerja PT Perkebunan Nusantara V harus berisi:
  • Daftar riwayat hidup
  • Fotocopy ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus yang telah dilegalisir
  • Transkrip nilai yang dilegalisir
  • Fotocopy KTP yang dilegalisir
  • Pasphoto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 4 lembar
  • Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK)
  • Surat keterangan berbadan sehat dari dokter
  • Fotocopy akte kelahiran yang dilegalisir
  • Kartu pencari kerja dari Disnaker
  • Salinan Surat Keputusan/Keterangan Pengalaman Kerja (bila ada)
  • Membuat Surat Pernyataan Bersedia ditempatkan di Remote Area (Kebun/Unit) di lingkungan wilayah kerja perusahaan.
Apakah anda tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja 2012 PT Perkebunan Nusantara V ini, segera kirimkan syarat-syarat seperti tercantum diatas ke alamat:

PT Perkebunan Nusantara V
Tim Seleksi Karyawan PO.BOX 1412 Pekanbaru 28000
Atau via email:
Lamaran paling lambat 15 September 2012
Informasi lanjut Lihat disini

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The Center for Disaster Risk Management and Community Development Studies (CDRM&CDS)

The Center for Disaster Risk Management and Community Development Studies (CDRM&CDS) is a department of HKBP Nommensen University and located in Simalingkar, Medan. The programs are focused on disaster risk management and capacity building of the communities. The CDRM&CDS has 3 field projects: Simalingkar, Nias (North Sumatera) and Mentawai (West Sumatera), and currently seeking for following position: *Job Title** : Executive Director* *Based on** : Medan* *Responsibilities* · Leads the strategic planning process and approves strategic plans and budgets in close consultation with the Rector (and/or Governance Board) and donor partners, working closely with Program Manager, Church Relation Manager, Finance/ Admin Manager and Field Managers and in accordance with the established policies and procedures and PM&E Standards. · Ensures the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the overall program and individual field projects as outlined in the strategic planning documents in cooperation with the respective government departments and other implementing partners and in conformity with established government requirements and CDRM & CDS policies and procedures. · Provides direct supervision and support to Executive Management Team and Management Team in a participatory fashion. · Ensures monthly, quarterly, annual and any other reports are of good quality, accurate, representative and timely. · Ensures program goals and objectives are met in a manner that is accountable to the people served and the donors. · Responsible for the supervision, implementation and administration of the program in accordance with policies and procedures as stipulated in the policies and manuals. · Makes sure any agreements between CDRM & CDS and the government are kept up to date and pertinent to the organizations needs and mission; · Ensures that new staffs are provided with a thorough orientation to the program, and the project to which they are assigned and to the standard security and communication procedures and those required in the event of a crisis situation. · Responsible for monitoring that all personnel policies adhere to local labor laws and that all staff are protected by and adhere to the personnel policies and codes of conduct. · Responsible for the fair and transparent employment of capable staff,ensuring that recruitment is gender-sensitive with the goal of gender balance within the staff, both in terms of numbers and levels of responsibility and ensuring that the skills of staff are developed and utilized to the fullest extent possible for the furtherance of the program. · Convenes ad hoc Personnel Committees to solve the conflicts or to discipline staff according to the Center’s policy. · Ensures that the financial transactions are conducted in accordance with the relevant CDRM & CDS priorities and procedures, and international accountability standards; that monthly financial reports and annual audited financial breakdown on specific projects are provided as requested. · Works with the Finance/Admin Manager to make sure the internal and external audits are regularly done and recommendations are responded to appropriately. · Deals with any financial or administrative policy abuses and takes appropriate actions according to financial policies and international standards. · Ensures that all procurement in undertaken in accordance with CDRM & CDS policies and procedures. · Makes sure any CDRM & CDS property is used for the benefit of organization and the people served by the program. · Creates resource mobilization strategies in order to sustain the CDRM & CDS program locally and internationally. · Provides guidance to the management team in fundraising initiatives and keeps good relations with all donors. · Maintains the requisite consultative relationships with the relevant governmental authorities and coordinates contacts with voluntary agencies rendering assistance to the program. · Conducts negotiations and maintains correspondence as necessary for the operation of the program, it being understood that all matters of policy and major issues receive prior clearance from the board. · Signs all internal and external correspondence · Fulfills any other responsibilities as may be assigned or delegated *Level of Responsibility & Authority:* The Director is responsible for the overall strategic direction and management of the CDRM & CDS program including the areas of programming, human resources, finance, and administration. S/He represents the organization to the public and all relevant stakeholders both inside and outside the Center. The Director is based in Medan, but is required to undertake periodic supervision and monitoring visit to all field projects and some international travel. The Director reports to the Chair of Governing Body of CDRM&CDS. *Requirements:* *Technical skills & Experiences:* · At least 10 years of experience in a senior position in community development, management and/or emergency work in a developing country with NGOs. · Strong leadership skills, interpersonal skills and human resource development and financial management ability. · Demonstrated leadership and program development abilities and strategic thinking. · Knowledge in participatory, rights-based community development or willingness to learn. · Fluent spoken and written English language skills and computer literacy. *Desirable qualifications:* · Formal qualifications in disaster management, or social and development studies are desirable (At least Master degree or above) · Willingness to travel to remote project areas. · Cultural sensitivity, team spirit and a can-do attitude of service. · Embraces the vision, mission, and values of the CDRM & CDS and is committed to work words meeting its goals and objectives. · Interest and commitment to work with the poorest communities to empower them. *Closing date of application:* September 12, 2012 CDRM&CDS is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender,ethnicity and religion. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. Interested candidates are advised to send their CV and application to or CDRM&CDS, Universitas HKBP Nommensen Porlak Nommensen Jalan Bunga Rampai V Simalingkar B, Medan

The Center for International Forestry Researchadvances (CIFOR)

The Center for International Forestry Researchadvances human wellbeing, environmental conservation and equity by conducting research to inform policies and practices that affect forests in developing countries. We are one of 15 centres within the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). Our headquarters are in Bogor, Indonesia, and we have offices in Asia, Africa and South America. CIFOR is looking for a "Research Officer for the Global Comparative Study on REDD+, Forests and Livelihoods Programme (Ref. 1241)" Two of CIFOR’s six strategic research domains are: Enhancing the role of forests in climate mitigation and Enhancing the role of forests in adaptation to climate change. The Forests and Livelihoods Programme contributes to each of these strategic research domains. The Research Officer will be part of a Livelihoods/climate team and will support the Scientists in the Livelihoods Programme. He/she will perform a variety of tasks. General duties and responsibilities: (1) Participate in research: - Coordinate research/fieldwork in selected locations. - Participate in fieldwork as required. - Maintain appropriate communications with key stakeholders and partners as requested by project manager. These may include local and national government agencies, environmental and development, social advocacy NGOs, (private companies – if applicable), and donor organizations. - Maintain databases related to the project/programme. - Assist in (literature) review, data analysis, and other tasks supporting research. - Assist with the preparation and publication of research results/reports. - Oversee the development of a database containing the data obtained from interviews and surveys in association with the global comparative work on REDD governance. (2) Provide project management assistance in: - Work with the Senior Project Officer and relevant staff in the management of contracts and agreements with research partners, donors, consultants, and interns. - Contribute to the development of project proposals - Working with the Senior Project Officer in monitoring technical and financial records, in close collaboration with the Finance Unit. - Assist the planning and maintaining of project budgeting, as required. - Assist in reporting (minutes, translation, etc). - Assist in organizing workshops, training or field work as required. (3) Participate in cross-programme/cross project by: - Contribute to the organisation of and participate in activities, meetings and discussions as required. - Assist as and when necessary in annual planning and development of Medium Term Plans as required. - Assist as and when necessary in identifying ways to coordinate projects for the component strategy implementation. Requirements: We are looking for people who share our mission and our commitment to professionalism, innovation, impact and collaboration. The candidate should have Masters degree in the social sciences, economics, forestry, environmental studies, or other related discipline. Have 5-7 years of relevant experience and have strong background in statistics and quantitative analysis. Familiarity with climate change issues is preferred. Excellent written and spoken English is necessary. We are looking for someone who is competent in personal organisation, have initiative and is capable of working independently as well as in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary team environment. Application process: The application deadline is 7 September 2012. We will acknowledge all applications, but we will contact only short-listed candidates. Please send your letter of interest and CV, including contact information for three referees to: Human Resources Department, CIFORat Please indicate the position title and its reference number in the email subject line. CIFOR is an equal opportunity employer. Staff diversity contributes to excellence.

ChildFund Indonesia

ChildFund is an international child focused development agency working in 33 countries to create lasting and meaningful change in the lives of more than 10.5 million vulnerable, deprived and excluded children, families and communities, regardless of race, creed, gender or national origin. In Indonesia ChildFund has been operating for 34 years since 1973, in areas where the need is the greatest and currently reaches out to 900,000 children and family members in partnership with 50 local NGOs spread across 8 provinces. For more information please visit ChildFund Indonesia is currently seeking: Position : IT & Logistics Officer (Position Code: ITLO) Reporting to : Country HR & Operations Manager Based in : Jakarta FUNCTIONAL SUMMARY Responsible for coordination of the National office Information Technology Management activities in the areas of computers and network administration, IT technical backup, disaster prevention and data management. Responsible for the overal logistics in National office. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Information Technology Establishes strategic and operational plans for IT management of the NO; analyzes the IT needs of the organization to recommend and introduce technically appropriate solutions for attainment of the organization’s performance objectives.Ensures that all IT Systems implementations are in line with the standards of ChildFund; evaluates and introduces new technologies and assists in the preparation of specifications and contextualized standards for the purchases and use of IT equipments and facilities.Ensures the proper functioning of PCs, servers, workstations, networks and all other IT resources in the office; provides the required technical support to the departments for smooth functionality of the business critical IT systems including Lincs, FIT, Cedar, The Hub, E-mails, shared files, other IT applications.Manages software; antivirus, server/computer operating systems, applications, organization’s e-mail systems to ensure they are kept updated and in accordance with the ChildFund’s IT policies and procedures.Aligns the NO IT risk management system with the NO enterprise wide risk management by ensuring the full disaster recovery procedure is implemented and maintained at all times; including the offsite Backup system for the purpose of safe guarding data. Ensures the compliance of IT use policy is adhered to by all staff at all times. Logistics Receiving goods following purchases, and ensuring the receiving complies with the Purchasing Manual of ChildFund (eg. PO, Delivery Order, etc).Issuing a Receiving Report following a delivery by vendors.Distribute goods following requests from Country Manager HR & Ops to zonal offices/partners, and ensuring the distribution complies with ChildFund prevailing policy (Delivery Note, etc)Responsible for all movements of assets in and out of Office; coordinate the safe arrival of assets in its destination (e.g. other NO, program, partners);Responsible for assets inventory following ChildFund policy and procedure, ensuring that inventory labels are maintained on all ChildFund equipment, maintain database of all assests and inventory, both for NO and Zonal offices,Conducting regular inventory check on all assets and inventory of ChildFund Indonesia, following the prevailing policy & procedure of ChildFund. Warehousing Establish secure and appropriate warehousing and the correct storage of the materials, both in the emergency response programme base and in the field.Establish and ensure the maintenance of stock record systems and procedures for stock movements. Transport Organise appropriate transport mechanisms for the movement of the materials to and from field sites, with regard to efficiency, cost and security. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 5 years experience in working in the human services or social services and/or with a non profit agency, preferably community organizationDeveloped proficiency in LAN, office software applicationsDemonstrated experience with the design, implementation, of IT management systemAcquired knowledge of Microsoft Windows System (Microsoft Windows KP Professional, Microsoft Windows 2003 server and Microsoft SQL Server)Outstanding written and oral communication skills in English; fluency in a local language highly preferredBachelor’s preferably in IT, Computer Science, or equivalent relevant work experience; Microsoft certifications desirable This position is opened for Indonesian national only. ChildFund requires electronic lodgment of applications. Please send by email your resume or CV & include Job Title & Position Code in the email subject field. Any enquiries should be directed by email to: Deadline for lodging applications: 4 September 2012



Who are we? Oxfam GB is a leading aid, development and campaigning charity with a worldwide reputation for excellence and over 60 years of experience. Our purpose is to work with others to overcome suffering and find lasting solutions to poverty. Be part of a dynamic working environment. 1. Monitoring,Evaluation, and Learning Officer Based in Jakarta, Indonesia Fixed Term contract 15 months The role: Under the supervision of the DRR/CCA coordinator, the MEL Officer will provide technical and administrative support to M&E activities and will coordinate M&E-related trainings and capacity building activities related to the implementation of the “Building and Deepening Resilience in Eastern Indonesia”programme and other DRR programs. MEL Officer is responsible for developing and implementing M&E system; collecting monitoring and evaluation information/data of program in the preparation of donor reports; documenting and analyzing lesson learn, best practice, success stories; and providing sufficient technical support to project team and partners on M&E. The requirement: Essential Skill and Competencies: * Commitment to Oxfam’s overall aims and beliefs, including strong commitment to gender, diversity issues, equal opportunities and capacity building * Good understanding of relief, DRR, and development issues, preferably in the context of complex emergency situation with experience of or ability to work directly with local NGOs and communities * Education to a degree level in a relevant discipline. * A minimum of 3 years Experience designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation frameworks and programs. * Analytical skills with knowledge and good understanding on global and national development issues. * Experience in working in a complex programme involving numerous stakeholders. * Ability to work as part of a multi-cultural team and communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing * Experience in working in a culturally diverse team. * Fluency in both written and spoken Bahasa Indonesia and English * Computer literacy in word processing, spreadsheets and presentation software. * Willingness to work flexible hours and to travel frequently within countries and overseas. * Experience in working in multi-sectoral programme and ability to manage multiple priorities and work under pressure and to deadlines. Desirable Skill and Competencies: * Previous experience with Oxfam. * Relevant degree in humanitarian, social sciences disaster management * An understanding of humanitarian relief and development issues related to disasters. * Understanding of women empowerment and gender issue * Experience with website development and administration How to apply If you believe you are the candidate we are looking for, please apply by send your application to The closing date: 10th September 2012 Only short listed candidates will be contacted.


Center for Disaster Risk Management and Community Development Studies

Center for Disaster Risk Management and Community Development Studies (CDRM & CDS) merupakan salah satu departemen di Universitas HKPB Nommensen,Medan. CDRM & CDS berkantor pusat di Simalingkar, Medan. Program CDRM & CDS berfokus pada pengelolaan resiko bencana, pemberdayaan masyarakat dan penelitian. CDRM & CDS bekerja pada 3 wilayah proyek, yakni; Simalingkar, Pulau Nias, dan Kepulauan Mentawai. Saat ini CDRM & CDS membutuhkan staff untuk ditempatkan di* Nias *dengan posisi sebagai berikut: *Community Empowerment Facilitator (CEF)* Melakukan kegiatan pengorganisasian,pendampingan dan penguatan kapasitas masyarakat di desa CDRM&CDS bekerja, serta membuat laporan kepada Koordinator Lapangan. Community Empowerment Facilitator (CEF) juga bertanggung jawab untuk mempersiapkan rencana kerja program untuk disetujui, dan juga memberikan laporan kepada Koordinator Lapangan. Untuk posisi ini, CDRM & CDS membutuhkan orang yang memiliki riwayat kerja yang baik, berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun dalam program pemberdayaan masyarakat pedesaan, khususnya dibidang pengelolaan resiko bencana. *Persyaratan umum :* · Minimal tamatan Diploma III semua jurusan. · Bersedia ditempatkan di wilayah terpencil · Memiliki sensitivitas dalam bekerja dengan masyarakat yang berbeda. · Memiliki kemauan yang baik untuk belajar. · Mampu bekerja secara individual dan tim. · Lebih disukai yang memiliki kemampuan teknis di bidang pertanian, peternakan dan bencana · Mampu mengoperasikan komputer · Serta mampu mengendarai sepeda motor serta memiliki SIM C. Bagi yang berminat mohon kirim surat lamaran beserta CV ke: *CDRM & CDS Kantor Nias* Jl. Pendidikan No. 19 Komplek STT Sundermann, Tohia Gunung Sitoli, Nias Sumatera Utara 22815 Untuk pelamar yang langsung datang ke Kantor CDRM, mohon lampirkan fotokopi ijazah terakhir, fotokopi KTP, pas foto ukuran 3 x 4 ( 2 lembar ) daftar riwayat hidup dan surat lamaran. Bagi pelamar yang mengirimkan melalui email dimohon mengirimkan hanya surat lamaran dan melampirkan daftar riwayat hidup/CV. Lamaran ditujukan ke:
